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Hear From The Experts 


Captain Timothy McCloud

As a student pilot, it was exciting to learn in the ground school classes then the excitement began to build as to what I was learning on the ground was being applied to in the air training. Then as a student pilot, I bought an airplane located in Providence, Rhode Island. I flew from Houston, Texas commercially to meet the owner and later my flight instructor, who was to accompany me on the flight to Texas. The next morning we planned our flight and began what turned into the most adventurous, exciting thing I ever did; taking to the sky and flying below 7,000 feet as we made our journey back to Houston. It was so amazing to see the face of the Earth change as we flew over each state, even following along the Great Mississippi River! Truly the most adventurous thing then, and still the most adventurous flight experience today. 

Robert Barton

Originally for me, aviation was all about the adventure. The ability to pick up and go where you want, when you want. Later in life it became more about the discipline and challenges aviation presents. There are many life lessons and parallels to be learned by participating in aviation practically as well as metaphorically. 

Bobby R. 

Being an Aviator gives me the ability to see the world more easily than ever before. Not just form traveling to places on the Earth, but seeing it from above as well. 

Mike E. 

A mile of highway can take you a mile, A mile of runway can take you anywhere. 


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